
Balram Chowbay

Adjunct Professor, Centre for Clinician-Scientist Plus Development

Duke-NUS Medical School


Professor Balram Chowbay is the Principal Clinical Pharmacologist at NCCS. As one of Singapore’s leading researchers in pharmacology, his research focuses on applying pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics principles for dose optimization and using pharmacogenomics to understand the inter-individual and inter-ethnic variability in clinical outcomes, especially in Asian ethnic groups. A trained pharmacist, Prof Balram has initiated key pharmacy services including therapeutic drug monitoring, drug utilization evaluations and pharmacy counselling groups at both the ward level and institution-wide. He previously headed the SingHealth Clinical Pharmacology, a core service platform which offers therapeutic drug monitoring, bioanalytical, pharmacokinetics and genotyping services to local healthcare institutions, pharmaceutical companies and academic research laboratories and currently serves as their Consultant. He has co-authored over 90 publications and is an editorial board member for numerous drug metabolism and pharmacology-based journals. Prof Balram holds multiple academic appointments at Duke-NUS Medical School and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Immunology Network, A*STAR and currently serves on advisory committees, grant review boards and research councils both nation and institution-wide and is an external reviewer at local tertiary institutions.


Doctor of Philosophy

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Bachelor of Science

National University of Singapore, Singapore

NUS Appointment(s)

Research Advisor

NUS Pharmacy Department, Currently Active

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