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Chan Wei-Ming, Angelique

Associate Professor

Executive Director


Executive Director of the Centre for Ageing Research & Education, Duke-NUS Medical School

A/Prof Angelique Chan holds joint tenure appointments as Associate Professor in the Signature Programme in Health Services and Systems Research, Duke-NUS Medical School, and in the Department of Sociology at the National University of Singapore.

A/Professor Chan currently serves as the Executive Director of the Centre for Ageing Research and Education at Duke-NUS Medical School. She is also Director of the Tsao Foundation Ageing Research Initiative which is housed within the Department of Sociology. A/Professor Chan has developed and nurtured a strong research portfolio in ageing research. This portfolio contains projects that are multidisciplinary and focus on the following themes; the epidemiology of ageing, social determinants of health, caregiving, long term care and the evaluation of programmes providing health services to the community. She has led several major projects on ageing in Singapore including large-scale longitudinal national surveys which have led to recommendations in policy research and public policy making.

She is currently leading several research projects:

(1) A national longitudinal study, Transitions in Health, Employment, Social engagement and Inter-Generational transfers in Singapore (THE SIGNS study) which aims to investigate the changing nature of relationships between work, retirement, volunteerism, and health. The survey also contains information on social engagement and intergenerational family transfers which are important components of successful ageing.

(2)  An evaluation of a community-based study of caregivers for persons with dementia, Caring for Persons with Dementia and Their Caregivers in the Community: Towards a Sustainable Community Based Care system. The evaluation includes the development of a blueprint for a dementia friendly community that may be scaled at a national level.

(3) A translational study that tests the feasibility and sustainability of rolling out a falls prevention programme, that has been shown to be effective in a randomised control trial, in to the community.

She is co-investigator on several projects (selected):

(1) Assessing the impact of enhanced primary care services for Singaporeans with chronic health conditions

(2) Caregiving Transitions among Family Caregivers of Elderly Singaporeans

(3) Designing Future-Ready and Sustainable Nursing Home for Person-Centric Care Models in Communities

(4)Generativity: Appreciation and Measurement among Elderly Singaporeans

Her international work includes working with partners from Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America to build and enhance capacity for research on ageing in Singapore. She has performed consultancy work for government organisations such as the Singapore Ministry of Social and Family Development, the Singapore Ministry of Health, the United Nations, Temasek Foundation and the World Bank.

She is also a board member of the Milken Institute Board of Academic and Policy Advisors for the Centre for the Future of Ageing; Deputy Chair of the Asia Pacific Rim Universities Ageing Hub; board member of the Next Age Institute (NUS); board member of the Temasek Polytechnic School for Humanities and Social Sciences; member, Singapore Medical Complaints Council; member, Health Cluster, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS. She also sits on the Editorial Boards of Asian Population Studies and the Journal of Aging and Health. Her research work has been featured in The Straits Times, Today, Bloomberg, Channel News Asia, and other local Singapore television channels and newspapers.

Click here for the full CV

Research Interest

  • Epidemiology of ageing
  • Social determinants of health
  • Caregiving & disability transitions
  • Effect of social support on the health, caregiver burden and use of long-term care services
  • Evaluation of programmes providing health services to the community
  • Calculation of healthy life expectancy
  1. Chan A, Malhotra R. (Equal contributors in the Country and Regional Data group of NCD- RisC).Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults Nature 2019; 569(7755):260-264 (Article; E-Published Only (Never in Print)/E-collection) JIF: 43.07; Times Cited: 45
  2. Chan A, Malhotra R. (Equal contributors in the Country and Regional Data group of NCD- RisC).Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975-2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128.9 million children, adolescents, and adults. The Lancet 2017; 389(10113):2627-2642 (Article; E-Published Only (Never in Print)/E- collection) JIF: 59.102; Times Cited: 1415
  3. Chan A, Malhotra R. (Equal contributors in the Country and Regional Data group of NCD- RisC).Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population- based measurement studies with 19.9 million participants. The Lancet 2017; 389(10064):37-55 (Article; E-Published Only (Never in Print)/E-collection) JIF: 59.102; Times Cited: 700
  4. Malhotra R, Ang S, Allen JC, Tan NC, Østbye T, Saito Y, Chan A.Normative values of the hand grip strength for elderly Singaporeans aged 60 to 89 years: A cross-sectional study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2016; 17(9):864.e1-864.e7 (Article; E- Published Only (Never in Print)/E-collection) JIF: 51.273; Times Cited: 29
  5. Chan A, Malhotra R. (Equal contributors in the Country and Regional Data group of NCD- RisC). Trends in adult’s body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975-2014: A pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19.2 million participants.The Lancet 2016; 387(100026):1377-1396 (Article; E-Published Only (Never in Print)/E- collection) JIF: 59.102; Times Cited: 2123
  6. Chan A, Raman P, Ma S, Malhotra R. Loneliness and all-cause mortality in community-dwelling elderly Singaporeans Demographic Research 2015; 32:1361-1382 (Article; E-Published Only (Never in Print)/E- collection) JIF: 1.320; Times Cited: 20
  7. Malhotra C, Malhotra R, Matchar DB, Østbye T, Chan A. Depressive symptoms among informal caregivers of older adults: Insights from the Singapore Survey on Informal Caregiving. International Psychogeriatrics 2012; 24(8):1335-1346 (Article; E-Published Only (Never in Print)/E-collection) JIF: 2.48; Times Cited: 42
  8. Chan A, Malhotra C, Malhotra R, Østbye T. Living arrangements, social networks and depressive symptoms among older men and women in Singapore International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2011; 26(6):630-639 (Article; E-Published Only (Never in Print)/E-collection) JIF: 2.419; Times Cited: 118
  9. Chan A, Zimmer Z, Saito Y. Gender differentials in disability and mortality transitions: the case of older adults in Japan Journal of Aging and Health 2011; 23(8):1285-1308 (Article; E-Published Only (Never in Print)/E-collection) JIF: 2.168; Times Cited: 23
  10. Chan A, Malhotra C, Do YK, Malhotra R, Østbye T. Self-reported pain severity among multiethnic older Singaporeans: Does adjusting for reporting heterogeneity matter? European Journal of Pain 2011; 15(10):1094-1099 (Article; E-Published Only (Never in Print)/E-collection) JIF: 3.218; Times Cited: 23