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Aik Cze Loong Joel

Adjunct Assistant Professor


Asst Prof Joel Aik Cze Loong


  • Doctor of Applied Public Health
  • Master of Science (Epidemiology)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental)(Hons)

Professional Experience

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, PERC, Duke-NUS-Medical School
  • Director (Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology), National Environment Agency


  • The Public Administration Medal (Bronze), 2017

Asst Prof Joel Aik is an environmental epidemiologist with a background in public health and environmental engineering. His present research focuses on assessing the influence of environmental exposures on the risk of adverse health outcomes in human populations, as well as the evaluation of interventions and programmes to inform public health policy and practice. He has also consulted for the World Health Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Agency.