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Soh Chai Rick

Associate Professor

Chair, Anaesthesiology & Perioperative Sciences Academic Clinical Programme

Chairman, Division of Anaesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, Singapore General Hospital


Contact: 63214220

Education Qualifications: MBBS, MMed (Anaes), FANZCA, CICM

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships:

  • Head & Senior Consultant, Department of Anaesthesiology, Singapore General Hospital
  • Director, Hyperbaric & Diving Medicine Centre, Singapore General Hospital
  • Senior Consultant, Surgical Intensive Care, Singapore General Hospital
  • Co-director, Normal Body Course, Duke-NUS 
  • Director, Surgical Intensive Care Unit; Hyperbaric & Diving Medicine Centre
  • Co-chairman, SGH Intensive Care Committee


  • Singapore Government HMDP Fellowship in Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine

Selected Publications:

Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion In PaediatricAnaesthesia: A Comparison Between The Reverse And Standard Techniques. Soh CR, Ng AS. Anaesth  Intensive Care. 2001 Oct 29(5):515-9. 

Tracheal intubation by novice staff: the direct vision laryngoscope or the lighted stylet (Trachlight) Soh CR, Kong CF, Kong CS, Ip-Yam PC, Chin E, Goh MH. Emerg Med J. 2002 Jul 19(4):292-4. 

Dorsal penile nerve block. Soh CR, Ng SB, Lim SL. PaediatrAnaesth. 2003 May 13(4):329-33. 

Reducing Pancreatic Infection in Acute Pancreatitis. Lee TW, Soh CR. SGH Proceedings. 2007. 16(3). 

Airway Management in the Critically Ill. Soh CR. SGH Proceedings. 2009. 18(1). 

Chow PKH, Soh CR, Tay SM, Cook S. 2009. An integrated approach to learning anatomy, physiology and micro-anatomy: A clinician-based system at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore. SGH Proc 18:84–90. 

Maintenance of negative-pressure wound therapy while undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Chong SJ, Kwan TM, Weihao L, Joang KS, Rick SC. Diving Hyperb Med. 2011 Sep;41(3):147-50. 

Discrepancies in End-of-life Decisions Between Elderly Patients and Their Named Surrogates. Foo AS, Lee TW, Soh CR. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2012 Apr;41(4):141-13. 

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in necrotising soft-tissue infections - A study of patients in the United States Nationwide Inpatient Sample. Soh CR, Pietrobon R, Freiberger JJ, Chew S, Rajgor D, Gandhi M, Shah J, Moon RE. Intensive Care Medicine. Intensive Care Med. 2012 Jul;38(7):1143-51. Epub 2012 Apr 20.