Duke-NUS PhD - Integrated Biology and Medicine (IBM)

Duke-NUS launched its inaugural PhD programme in Integrated Biology and Medicine (IBM) in August 2010. The programme distinguishes itself from others in Singapore and abroad by emphasising training in translational bioscience, preparing cutting edge researchers to take their research findings from "bench to bedside."

Students will complete their advanced training in one of Duke-NUS’ five Signature Research Programmes:

5 SRPs.png

The degree, which will take on average 4 to 5 years to complete, culminates with the development of a written thesis and a successful oral dissertation defense.The Ph.D. core course incorporates a novel education strategy which rapidly transitions students to a mode of learning better suited for a lifelong career in biomedical research. From the first week in the program, students are introduced to scientific literature searches, evaluation and critique of seminal scientific papers. The core curriculum is delivered in a small group collaborative learning environment that reinforces critical thinking and public debate.

Please visit our admission requirements page for more information.

Apply for PhD in Integrated Biology and Medicine (IBM) now!

Senior Associate Dean's Message


Specialty Track

Thesis Mentor

PhD Video Library

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