Longitudinal Integrated Programme

The C.A.R.E. programme aims to develop medical students into skilled, ethical, and reflective practitioners, ready to meet the demands of an evolving healthcare landscape. It is a longitudinal and developmental framework that serves as the backbone of the medical curriculum across four years, seamlessly integrating core threads to ensure comprehensive professional growth. This programme is designed to progressively build both horizontal and vertical complexity in the medical training, ensuring that students not only gain knowledge but also develop as professionals within a supportive learning community. 

At its core, C.A.R.E. stands for Connect, Assimilate, Reflect, and Explore, representing the programme’s mission to foster a well-rounded medical education. Students are encouraged to form a strong professional identity, grounded in a community that values learning and practice together. This professional identity formation is a critical aspect that runs through the entirety of the programme, providing a foundation for all other learning. 

Experiential learning is a key focus, with simulation-based activities playing a significant role. Through these simulations, students are placed in realistic scenarios that allow them to apply their knowledge in a practical setting, enhancing their clinical skills in a controlled and safe environment. This hands-on approach ensures that theoretical knowledge is consistently translated into practical ability. 

In conjunction with clinical skill development, the programme also introduces students to broader themes that are increasingly important in modern medicine. This includes an understanding of global, public, and community health challenges, as well as a deep dive into medical ethics and professionalism. Such themes are crucial in preparing students to navigate the complexities of healthcare delivery and to engage with diverse patient populations effectively. 

Patient safety and quality improvement are also integral parts of the curriculum. By addressing these areas, C.A.R.E. ensures that students are not only proficient in individual patient care but are also prepared to contribute to the healthcare system's larger goals of enhancing safety and quality. 

Throughout the programme, the core threads—clinical reasoning, procedural skills, radiology, ECG interpretation, medical nutrition, personal and professional development, reflective practice, health ethics, law & professionalism, public & global health, patient safety & quality improvement, and community health—provide a scaffold that supports the students' journey. These threads are woven into each aspect of the program, ensuring that as students advance through their training, they acquire a well-integrated set of skills and knowledge that aligns with the C.A.R.E. acronym's overarching goals. 


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