Research & Scholarship

Research & Scholarship Year

Students get to select a research area of their interest and carry out a research or scholarship project under the supervision of an academic mentor. Students may carry out their research or scholarship locally or at our affiliated institution, Duke University, North Carolina, USA. Students also attend a combination of Family Medicine clinics concurrently with their R&S experience. Students begin advanced clinical rotations at the end of year-3. 

The Duke-NUS curriculum showcases a distinctive, vertically-integrated research thread. It starts with the introduction of foundational concepts in Phase I and continues with further development throughout Phase II. This preparation paves the way for a 9-month immersive research experience in Phase III, culminating in a thesis submission. Students have the opportunity to select a research area that aligns with their interests and pursue a project under the mentorship of an academic mentor. This research can be conducted either locally or at Duke University in North Carolina, USA, offering a diverse range of research environments. Alongside their research, students also participate in Family Medicine clinics, enriching their experience with practical clinical exposure. The curriculum then progresses to advanced clinical rotations by the end of the third year, seamlessly integrating research and clinical training. 

R&S table

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