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Class of 2024

Meet Duke-NUS Medical School's 14th cohort

Our 14th cohort includes individuals from diverse professional and academic backgrounds. Hear from the Class of 2024, who share what attracted them to Duke-NUS and their hopes and aspirations as they embark on the start of their journey into the medical profession.

Tuleen Sihabi

Tuleen Sihabi

“Although Turkish, I was born and raised in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is a melting pot of nationalities and cultures, and known for its strong diversity. As such, I grew up always learning from multiple people and perspectives. When I came to Singapore for the Prehealth Experiential Program, I was impressed by Singapore’s diversity of ethnicities and languages, and its similarities to my hometown in the UAE, such as lifestyle practices and rapid development. It reminded me a lot of home. The culture in Singapore is also very welcoming and supportive.” 

“After graduating from Brown University in the United States, I joined a Ph.D. program at MD Anderson Cancer Center Graduate School in the University of Texas, Houston, USA. My PhD education trained me to think about the clinical application of my own research while providing me with several opportunities to shadow physicians who shared the same academic interest as me to understand the clinical meaning of my translational research. This led me to find my passion in treating patients and to train further to become a clinician-scientist.”  
Ko Junsuk

Ko Junsuk

Sung Chiao Han

Sung Chiao Han

“During my volunteering stint with Habitat for Humanity Singapore, I had the opportunity to interact with an elderly lady who shared her struggles with daily life while battling brain tumour. Her struggle of loneliness, frailty and pain made me realise how we often focus on the medical treatment and overlook the patient’s overall well-being. This encounter was a huge turning point for me. I hope to be that patient-centric doctor who is empathetic to the patient’s struggles and to support my patients and fight for them till the end.”

“The calling for medicine came to me later in life. I was exploring potential careers that could improve the lives of others while enrolled in my last year at Nanyang Technological University as a Communication Studies major. During this transitional stage of my life, I developed agonising, nauseating migraines that left me doubled over in pain. It opened my eyes to the pain and suffering that illness causes and the indescribable relief that medicine brings during times of need. This sparked my desire to join the medical field and take responsibility for providing care for others.”

Siaw Eee

Lau Siaw Ee


Dinesh Selven

“Although I was going to be in the healthcare sector as a biomedical engineer when I graduated, I felt the drive to be in the frontline. Whilst undergoing an internship at a biomedical technology company, I helped engineer a cancer diagnostic device. It was gratifying to know such cutting-edge medical technology potentially improved patient lives. However, I felt something was missing as I was unable to witness its effects first-hand. This motivated me to not only want to help develop such devices but also directly implement them as a doctor.”