Class of 2026
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Meet Duke-NUS Medical School's 16th Cohort


The Duke-NUS White Coat Ceremony is a celebration of our students’ official entry into the medical profession. This entry is symbolised by the donning of the white coat and the recital of the Hippocratic Oath, in which the students pledge their commitment to the core values of the profession.

Our 16th cohort includes individuals from diverse professional and academic backgrounds.
Read more here.

19aug 6pm

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Class Profile


  • Science

  • Engineering

  • Arts

  • Business & others

  • Academic Background


    Highest Qualification

  • 3

  • 4

  • 65



  • 53

  • 7

    Singapore PR
  • 12

  • Hear from our students


    “Being a doctor to me means being a source of comfort, someone people can depend on when they are feeling worried, anxious or ill. The fact that people are depending you to show up as the best version of yourself and give everything that you’ve got is the thing that motivates me to be an excellent doctor.”

    Dhakshenya Ardhithy Dhinagaran

    Dhakshenya Ardhithy Dhinagaran

    Class of 2026

    “To me, being a doctor in the future would still mean to primarily care for patients. In addition, it will also involve building and embracing technologies that augment our capabilities and allow us to do more for our patients as well as our fellow healthcare workers. There are numerous challenges in healthcare, and I hope that technology and innovation will be used to alleviate many of these challenges.”

    Sahad Zahir

    Sahad Zahir

    Class of 2026

    “Being a doctor in the future means making sacrifices in order to fulfil the heavy responsibilities of being one, which I believe is going to be worthwhile for the sake of improving the lives of our patients. This journey of becoming a doctor and maturing as one will undoubtedly be arduous but having the faith that there may be positive outcomes with the patients who will be under my care means a lot to me.”

    Nadia Binte Mohd Hamzah

    Nadia Bte Mohd Hamzah

    Class of 2026

    “Several years ago, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition. To be on the receiving end of ‘incurability’ as a patient shed light on two things. Firstly, despite the wonderful things that modern medicine is capable of, it doesn’t have all the answers and that represents so much potential for greater care in the years to come, which I am hopeful to be part of. Secondly, it highlighted to me the importance of the psychosocial element of the doctor’s role. Having answers to questions isn’t the ‘be all and end all’ of medicine, and I hope that I too can offer solace as best as I can to those who need it.”

    Lee Leng KhoongLee Leng Khoong

    Class of 2026

    “As the field of medicine advances, it will be an exciting time where more and more questions will be answered and explored, and I would like to be part of this exploration. At the same time, I would also like to help ensure that this advancement benefits more people by increasing health education and accessibility, which is also an aspect of medicine that is becoming more and more prominent. Being a doctor in the future fills me with excitement and hope.”

    Luo Xiao RanLuo Xiao Ran

    Class of 2026

    “It is an honour and privilege to be in a position to bring hope to patients and help them overcome their illnesses but also a huge responsibility. The weight of the white coat is something I will constantly remind myself of on this journey of becoming a good doctor. And in the future, it would be dream come true for me to be a paediatrician—to work towards the healthy development and alleviation of sickness for children in particular, as they have a special place in my heart.”

    Suzanne Kae RocknathanSuzanne-Kae Rocknathan

    Class of 2026

    “By joining the medical profession, I will be committing a lifetime to treating and caring for patients, which I believe is a great privilege and honour. I will also be part of a greater healthcare team that will be caring for Singapore’s ageing population and doing their best to keep any infectious disease under control. With the advancement in medical research and technology, I am also excited to discover new ways of diagnosing and treating patients in the future.”

    Sherry Low Zhi QingSherry Low Zhi Qing

    Class of 2026