
Ooi Peng Jin London Lucien

Professor, Admissions & Alumni Affairs Department

Director, SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute

Associate Dean, Admissions & Alumni Affairs Department

Duke-NUS Medical School


Professor Ooi is a senior surgical oncologist with specialisation in hepatobiliary and pancreatic (HPB) cancers. He started as a general surgeon with FRCSEd and FRCSG and exit certification in General Surgery before receiving advanced training in HPB surgery and liver transplantation as Senior Fellow in Australia. He was instrumental in establishing the combined HPB service at SGH and NCCS which now has become the Department of Hepato-pancreato-biliary and Transplant Surgery. He has a Doctorate in Medicine (MD) based on his work on liver cancer (HCC) and is involved extensively in various aspects of liver cancer research and clinical trials. He has trained many HPB surgeons in the region. He was also previously Chair of Surgery SGH, Deputy Director National Cancer Centre, inaugural Chair of Surgery ACP at SingHealth and founding Director SingHealth Transplant as well as being a pioneer at Duke-NUS. 

He has won numerous awards including the Yahya Cohen Award (1998), PB Desai-UICC Silver Jubillee Oration (2007), Asian Surgical Association Lecture (2012), SingHealth Excellence Awards, Visionary Leader Award (2012), Arthur Li Oration (2014), Honorary Fellowship College of Surgeons of Hong Kong (2014), MOH Long Service Medal (2014), Asian Surgical Association Lecture (2015), National Outstanding Clinician Mentor, MOH National Medical Excellence Awards (2019), MOH Distinguished Senior Clinician Award (2020), Duke-NUS Master Academic Clinician Award (2023).


Doctor of Medicine

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Fellow, Royal Coll of Surgeons, Glasgow

Royal College of Surgeons, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Fellow, Royal Coll of Surgeons, Edinburgh

Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

National University of Singapore, Singapore

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