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Sharon Cohan Sung

Assistant Professor


Contact: 66011648

Sharon Sung is an Assistant Professor at the Signature Programme in Health Services and Systems Research, Duke-NUS, Senior Clinical Psychologist, Department of Developmental Psychiatry, Institute of Mental Health and Senior Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychological Medicine, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

Asst Prof Sung earned her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the San Diego State University/University of California San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. She received specialty training in cognitive behavioral therapy at Columbia University Medical Center and the American Institute of Cognitive Therapy in New York City. Prior to moving to Singapore, she held faculty positions at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Harvard Medical School.

Her research is focused on improving the identification and treatment of patients with mood and anxiety disorders. She has published numerous peer reviewed articles, editorials and book chapters, as well as a practitioner guide entitled 10-Minute CBT: Integrating Cognitive Behavioral Strategies Into Your Practice. Recent NMRC-funded projects include a study to improve screening for panic disorder in the Department of Emergency Medicine, Singapore General Hospital and a multi-site randomised controlled trial to evaluate a stepped care intervention for emergency medicine patients with panic-related anxiety.

Research Team

Angeline Chen Meiru
Research Assistant

  1. Sung SC, Tng HY, Wong ZJ, Tan YL, Tan YR, Choong SF, Chin CH, Jang LY, Kwan CHM, Ong SW, Hudziak J, Meany MJ, Fung DSS (2019): Assessing for mood and anxiety disorders in parents of clinically-referred children: Laying the foundation for a family-based approach to mental health in Singapore. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 48(2):55-62.
  2. Sung SC, Rush AJ, Earnest A, Lim LEC, Pek MPP, Choi JMF, Ng MPK, Ong MEH. (2018): A brief interview to detect panic attacks and panic disorder in emergency department patients with cardiopulmonary complaints. J Psychiatr Pract. 24(1):32–44.
  3. Sung SC, Ma J, Earnest A, Rush AJ, Lim LEC, Ong MEH (2018): Screening for panic-related anxiety in emergency department patients with cardiopulmonary complaints: A comparison of two self-report instruments. Psychiatry Res. 263:7-14.
  4. Thumboo J, Ow MYL, Uy EJB, Xin X, Chan ZYC, Sung SC, Bautista DC, Cheung YB (2018): Developing a comprehensive, culturally sensitive conceptual framework of health domains in Singapore. PLoS One. 13(6):e0199881
  5. Low CCCH, Sung SC, Tan AKH, Chan YH, Fung DSS. Use of Patient Health Questionnaires (PHQ-9, PHQ-2 & PHQ-1) for depression screening in Singapore primary care (2018): Singapore Family Physician. 4(2): 68-73.
  6. Sung, SC, Rush, AJ, Earnest A., Lim LE., Lim SH, Ong ME. (2016): Cross-validation of a 7-Item clinical decision rule for detecting panic-related anxiety in emergency medicine patients. Value in Health, 19(7), A840.
  7. Ooi YP, Sung SC, Raja M, Kwan C, Koh JBK, Fung DSS (2016): Web-based CBT for the treatment of selective mutism: results from a pilot randomized controlled trial in Singapore. Speech Pathol Ther. 1:2.
  8. Sung SC (2015): Cognitive therapy plus medication management is better than antidepressants alone for patients with severe depression. Evid Based Ment Health. 18:95.
  9. Sung SC, Wisniewski SR, Luther JF, Trivedi MH, Rush AJ (2015): Pre-treatment insomnia as a predictor of single and combination antidepressant outcomes: a CO-MED report. J Affect Disord. 174:157-164.
  10. Hong L, Chiang PP, Sung SC, Tong L (2015): Dry eye related visual blurring and irritative symptoms and their association with depression and anxiety in eye clinic patients. Curr Eye Res. 4: 1-10.