Duke-NUS PhD - Clinical and Translational Sciences

A Message from our Director, Professor Pierce Chow

Dear Prospective Students,

We are in an exciting era of rapid advancements in biomedical research that has seen dramatic improvements in patient outcomes. These advancements have been due in many ways to fundamental changes in how scientific research is carried out. Significant breakthroughs in biomedical science currently transcends traditional disciplines and biomedical research will increasingly have to be multi-disciplinary in nature to better impact patient outcomes.

Thus more clinician-scientists will need be trained to lead multi-disciplinary translational and patient-oriented teams in partnership with basic/quantitative science and industry collaborators.

The PhD Programme in Clinical and Translational Sciences (PhD CTS) at Duke-NUS prepares medical specialists and other health science professionals for the important role of leading clinical and translational research. The programme focuses on the interface between clinical, biological and social research methods by bringing together experts in quantitative sciences (biostatistics, epidemiology, and bioinformatics), biological basic sciences (genomics, immunomics, metabolomics), ethics, clinical therapeutics, health services and systems research.

Candidates will be supervised by nationally funded clinician-scientists (STAR, CS and LCG/TCR awardees) who are uniquely experienced in leveraging on the clinicians’ expertise and applying these to translational research. Candidates may be admitted on a 3-year full-time or 4-year part-time basis. The programme is self-supporting and the candidates are encouraged to apply for NMRC Research Training Fellowship in November the year before application. 

The PhD CTS at Duke-NUS has a unique approach and candidate thesis will involve clinical cohorts upon which translational research or HSSR components will be leveraged. Compulsory taught modules equip the candidates with required background knowledge and each candidate will be assisted by a multi-disciplinary Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) lead by a Clinician-Scientist.

Candidates will have a choice of a wide range of the latest technologies required for translational research including proteomics, genomics, metabolomics, molecular imaging, bioinformatics and AI. Students are encouraged to complete their required coursework within their first 1.5 year and to start enrolling the clinical cohorts early. 

Other features unique to the programme include observations at IRB and Grant award meetings and reviews of grant applications and submitted manuscripts under the guidance of their supervisors, to better understand the sinews of biomedical research.

We would be happy to schedule a one-to-one discussion should you be interested to understand more of our programme.

Prof Pierce Chow, MBBS MMed, FAMS, FRCSE, PhD

Programme Director, PhD in CTS



Apply for CTS


For any enquiries on Clinical and Translational Sciences PhD, please contact Jo Quek at: jo.quek@duke-nus.edu.sg

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