Master Academic Clinicians 2021

On Friday, 15 January 2021, Duke-NUS inaugurated its virtual Hall of Master Academic Clinicians and inducted the inaugural cohort of eight outstanding clinician faculty at a ceremony held at the Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium at the Academia. During the event, 29 senior clinicians also received their promotion or new appointment to Professor or Associate Professor.

Words of Wisdom from our Master Academic Clinicians

Master Academic Clinicians 2021


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Clinical Professor Ang Chong Lye

(Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Programme)

"Clinical Professor Ang is a self-driven, visionary and thought leader in management and clinical arena and he serves as a role model for all Ophthalmologists and younger trainees who had benefited from his clear vision and guidance. His constant avocation for camaraderie among staff and people he interacts with is highly commendable and should be modeled after by all."

Professor Wong Tien Yin (Academic Chair, Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Programme)

Prof Chay Oh Moh - enhanced (2)

Professor Chay Oh Moh

(Paediatrics Academic Clinical Programme)

"Professor Chay is instrumental in shaping education for the next generation of healthcare providers and strongly promotes Inter-professional learning. Her strong mentorship has also groomed many of our clinician educators who have become successful in assuming leadership roles at the Cluster and National levels." 

Clinical Associate Professor Chan Yoke Hwee (Academic Chair, Paediatrics Academic Clinical Programme)


Clinical Professor Fock Kwong Ming

(Medicine Academic Clinical Programme)

"Professor Fock is an exemplary and inspirational clinician who has taught and mentored many generations of clinicians. Through his efforts, Professor Fock has built a strong foundation for his successors to carry on his legacy of enhancing healthcare and serving the public."

Associate Professor Loo Chian Min (Academic Chair, Medicine Academic Clinical Programme)


Associate Professor Ong Biauw Chi 

(Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Sciences Academic Clinical Programme)

"Associate Professor Ong leads by example. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Associate Professor Ong was on the ground in the dormitories to support her hospital staff. She is a keen researcher who enthusiastically supports and promotes research activities within the ACP. Her relentless pursuit of excellence permeates every aspect of her life and it is no wonder the most challenging and important tasks have consistently fallen on her lap." 

Associate Professor Soh Chai Rick (Academic Chair, Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Sciences Academic Clinical Programme)

5. Tan BH

Clinical Professor Tan Ban Hock

(Medicine Academic Clinical Programme)

"Throughout all the headships, Clinical Professor Tan has consistently innovated care processes and these are well documented in the many committees he led that dwell into patient safety and quality issues. Clinical Professor Tan’s breadth of knowledge and skills in clinical medicine is legendary. His brand of being a holistic caregiver and yet having a deep sense of genuine care has inspired many."

Associate Professor Loo Chian Min (Academic Chair, Medicine Academic Clinical Programme)

Clin Prof Tan Kok Chai

Clinical Professor Tan Kok Chai

(Musculoskeletal Sciences Academic Clinical Programme)

"Clinical Professor Tan is one of the earliest trained Microsurgeons in Singapore, and has trained generations of Plastic Surgeons tirelessly. He is always willing to share his knowledge and expertise with them. Clinical Professor Tan is a humble and wise mentor to his juniors, and is much respected by peers and staff who have had the pleasure of working with him."

Clinical Associate Professor Tan Mann Hong (Academic Chair, Musculoskeletal Sciences Academic Clinical Programme)

7. V Anatharaman4

Clinical Professor Venkataraman Anantharaman

(Emergency Medicine Academic Clinical Programme)

"Professor Anantharaman is regarded as the “Father of Emergency Medicine” in Singapore. He was principally responsible for early initiatives in development of emergency care in the country and for having enabled Singapore to become recognized both regionally and internationally as a world leader in Emergency Medicine."

Clinical Professor Goh Siang Hiong (Academic Chair, Emergency Medicine Academic Clinical Programme)


Clinical Professor Wong Wai Keong 

(Surgery Academic Clinical Programme)

"Clinical Professor Wong Wai Keong is a master surgeon with wealth of experience and has helped trained many young gastrointestinal surgeons. He has undertaken clinical and educational leadership throughout his illustrious career. He will always put the interest of the institution above the interest of self. As the first Vice Chair (Education) for Surgery ACP, he laid the groundwork for educating the next generation of surgeons."

Clinical Associate Professor Tan Hiang Khoon (Academic Chair, Surgery Academic Clinical Programme)

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